Good news for Australia - the Commonwealth Government has introduced new laws, referred to as ADR 83/00, reducing the noise levels of new on-road vehicles. The laws appear fairly complicated, partly due to the 4 year phase in period from 2005 to 2008, but the upshot is that all new on-road vehicles will be subject to lower noise emission limits than in the past.
There are 3 main problems with ADR 83/00 - firstly it only applies to new cars, so it will take quite some time for the effects to become noticeable. Secondly, it doesn't apply to off-road vehicles. Thirdly and most importantly, it doesn't prevent people from modifying the exhausts of their vehicles - the states need to introduce separate laws to prevent this, and maintain vehicles within 5 decibels of initial noise levels. So far only NSW has done so.
If you live in a State other than NSW we urge you to contact your State MP and ask them to introduce similar vehicle noise legislation to that recently introduced in NSW, effective from 1/3/08. To view this legislation, go to http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/noise/poeonoisereg08.htm
I wonder does this law in NSW also apply to motor bikes with 2 stroke motors?
One way or another, the NSW does appear to cover motor bikes of all sorts. If an on road vehicle it is covered by Div 2, Sub-div 1 paragraph 12. OTHERWISE, for off-road, paragraph 13 "Use of motor vehicles in places other than on road or road related area
A person must not cause a motor vehicle to be used in a place (other than on a road or road related area) in such a manner that it emits offensive noise.
Maximum penalty: 100 penalty units in the case of a corporation, 50 penalty units in the case of an individual."
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